Configuration •A configuration of the manipulator is a complete specification of the location of every point on the manipulator. •If you know the values for the …
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- 1174
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- 1189
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- 1714
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- 129
- 1860
- 1652
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- 161
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- 8
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- 36
- 995
- 626
- 1203
- 1757
- 1566
- 600
- 1617
- 517
- 1918
- 1845
- 1014
- 1825
- 1005
- 1147
- 1283
- 125
- 902
- 1904
- 562
- 1510
- 572
- 725
- 987
- 800
- 110
- 1471
- 833
- 185
- 980
- 178
- 1465
- 1464
- 661
- 1928
- 251
- 1104
- 1731
- 1720
- 392
- 1252
- 1615
- 1657
- 1902
- 511
- 1371